Carpentry I
Carpentry II
  Construction Core
We teach safety, first and foremost. We also go over how to use hand and power tools and what each tool is designed to do. Each student constructs an individual project to learn the process. Projects are also built for the school system to use as well as the general public. The objective is to broaden student's knowledge of concepts used. The class is intended to be a hands on experience. It is intended to teach skills not only in construction, but life skills that can be used in personal life. There is some course work from a textbook to further the learning experience, and summer work is a possibility.

Carpentry I
This will provide a more in depth use of carpentry tools. We build an outside storage building. The students gain a basic of how a house is constructed. Materials and cost are also figured. This can be a school to work program. Either summer work or full time after graduation. Contact instructor for more info.

Carpentry II
A continuation of Carpentry I.

Carpentry- Construction Core
Carpentry II - Carpentry I
  No Course Fee